
I believe that the best way to learn is by experimenting. So, I experiment a lot with new ideas. I also believe that the best way to learn is by failing. So, I fail a lot. I learn a lot by building projects. Here are some of the projects I've built - even stupid ones.



A startup my friends and I are working on. We hope to create a platform that will enable businesses to leverage AI to make data-driven decisions. We are currently working on Zoe, an AI assistant that will help business owners get insights about their business. We are so passionate about this project and we believe it will help businesses in Kenya and Africa.

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A modern POS/ERP/CRM system for businesses in Kenya. It enables businesses to manage their sales, purchases, inventory, customers, suppliers, and much more. It is built with Django. It also includes Zoe(an AI assistant) that business owners can use to get insights about their business.

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E-Commerce Store

E-Commerce Store

A simple e-commerce store built with Wordpress and woocommerce. It has a simple and clean design that is easy to navigate. It is also mobile responsive.

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The Flutter Portfolio

The Flutter Portfolio

A portfolio app built with Flutter. It features an Android and iOS version. It is a simple app that showcases my skills and projects.

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Data Persistence in Flutter using SQLite, Book & Authors App

Data Persistence in Flutter using SQLite, Book & Authors App

A simple app that demonstrates how to use SQLite in Flutter. It is a simple app that allows you to add, edit, delete and view books and authors.

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ReactJS Portfolio

ReactJS Portfolio

A simple portfolio app built with ReactJS. It is a simple app that showcases my skills and projects.

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